Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ajna Chakra

One of the aims of yoga is to awaken the Ajna Chakra or the third eye. The pineal gland is the actual location of this chakra and the projection of this point to the forhead is called a kshetram.

In India Sindoor or kumkum was applied to the point between the eyebrow both as decorative and to stimulate nerve endings to the pineal gland. Shambhavi Mudra, anuloma viloma and trataka are all classic kriya's for awakening this gland.

Daily use of a netti pot is standard practice for sensitizing nerve endings to Ajna Chakra. Also reciting mantra's actually creates vibration on the soft palate on the roof of the mouth, that are resonant to the pineal gland.

Rudra granthi is the psychic knot associated with Ajna chakra and vijnamaya kosha is the veil that is removed upon activation.

Under the age of twelve the pineal gland is very active and children are in the dream and waking state simultaneously. The pineal gland regulates the pituitary gland which is the master gland controlling the hypothalamus. The endocrine system is controlled by these glands and has a major effect on our health and state of mind.

After the age of twelve the pineal gland gradually becomes less active but through the practice of Tantric Kriya Yoga we re-energize the pineal gland and enjoy expanded states of consciousness as a result.


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